Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Ethics and Value Of Tris-Pyjamas Manufacturer - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics and Value Of Tris-Pyjamas Manufacturer. Answer: They should give equal-consideration into all people-preference. Although it is understandable for Tris-pyjamas manufacturer into dump those unsold pajamas, they should at least provide some compensatory steps toward avoid second harm toward the parents or family members, such as giving allowance or finding more solution for a better way toward dispose those carcinogenic-pajamas toward prove the respect on human life, by not just putting all the users health on risk for the profit sake. Also, consumers have the right through sue the manufacturers on this case and they should have been ready into receive any deserve outcome, such as people resist into buy their products anymore or being an infamous company. In this case, Tris pajamas dump those harmful productions in other countries will actually cause a lot of bad effect that might minimize the happiness of users as their health condition were being threaten by using the chemical-contained-pajamas (Albertine 2014). The manufacturers should have known their products were harmful at first before the products were sold. Also, the manufacturers of Tris pyjamas should actually apply the theory of utilitarianism as this theory mentioned about producing maximize pleasure or happiness for greatest number of people during an act. In this theory, people who promote greatest-human-welfare are-praiseworthy and people who live not-are-blameworthy. Besides, Kants Ethics of Duty Theory will do suitable through apply in this case, whereby this theory emphasizes-on-the respect for persons and provides a strong based for-rights, such as human right cannot do violated (Cohn 2017).They should work hard in coming out with ways into solve the problem but not just into dump their pajamas at their own-self-interest. Thus, the action that the manufacturers take were actually arguable depending on the point of view with that governs by certain department. While from the theory of-Socialism, its an economic-system that oppose from the capitalism. Based on the Ownership-Theory, the objective for a company into run its business is toward maximize returns into their shareholder, whereby the shareholders interests are-supreme-and the most important (Demeneix 2014). Also, according into the theory of Capitalism, the major-decision of operation-and distribution are often made by private-enterprises which exist-separately from the people-associated with them and have private-ownership of the major production like machines, land and so on. They are able toward set their own-rules as well as-regulation and are mainly motivated by profit where maximizing the shareholders wealth are-outweighing any other-obligations. In the perspective of pajamas manufacturers, they were just performing their task through max imize returns into its investor as well as into reduce the losses (Farhat 2013). Hence, it is understandable for the manufactures of Tris-pajamas into dump their unsold and problem pajamas into other countries. They might not do legally wrong as dumping in certain countries are considered legitimate as well as private enterprise should live free from undertake public-responsibilities that properly-belong through the government, based on Milton-Friedmans view. It operates by the public ownership-of-property and a planned-economy where dumping is not right and much more difficult than in a capitalism economic system as it is governed by a central government in a better and tighter controlling system (Leonard 2015). They have toward weigh between the losses into their profit and also the cost through the social, environment and the public. This action is considered as dumping, which is an unethical action, into sell or export the same goods at a price lower than in domestic market or where goods have been-banned-or known as-hazardous in home country into overseas. However, most corporate today will often see their profit as priority and everything else except from benefit will live mostly disregarded such as the corporate social responsibility and the ethical issues (Lu et al.2017). The manufacturers of the Tris-contained pajamas were worrying about their mass inventory and tend into sell all the stocks at a very low price toward the exporters who were-willing to-purchase in order through clear the excessive amount of stocks and minimize their financial losses. as well as through recall millions of pairs that being sold. This shocking news expanded quickly and their sale of pajamas were banned b y the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in most businesses in this world have the common aim in maximizing their profit as well as shareholders wealth by increasing their sales volume (OR and Lee 2015). They aim toward lower cost as well as minimize their financial losses in every business so as toward achieve their ultimate goals. However, it is found that the pajamas were contained with harmful chemical, known as Tris, which can cause kidney-cancer-in children. While allude into profit, ethical responsibility often become the main discuss topic into the organization as well as the public. For instance, based on the case study, the fire-retardant childrens pajamas were being manufactured at first for the precautious of childrens safety. Case even went worse when they tried through dump the carcinogenic-pajamas on overseas market. This case is considered morally wrong. In Tris-contained pajamas-case, the corporate as well as the manufacturers practiced egoism by showing their selfishness for the desire of making profit. They were dishonesty in the process of gaining profit by putting the childrens life at risk which contained of harmful chemical that can cause kidney cancer through the children. They sold about 200 hundred million pairs of pajamas in the fact; they should take initiative approach into make compensation through the victim as well as providing clearly about the material of the products before selling it so that consumers are able into is research before purchasing it. It is an act of egoism, which ignores all-blatant-wrongs (Phillips 2016). Egoism claimed that one pursuit an action based on the advantages, and it is only wrong if it hurts or bring disadvantage through other individuals long-term-intere st. They ignored ones safety for the purpose of gaining profit and minimize losses. They did not educate the public about the consequences of using their products as well as did not take further action into compensate to the victim. However, the theory of egoism can do also applied on this case where the corporate or individual view self-interest as coincides-as-the-morality. Also, I will provide compensation into the victim as well as medical fees toward make sure the victims is in a safe condition. Although dumping in overseas are profitable, it is however immoral and might affect consumers welfare as referring through Kants theory, we must always act in a way that respects-human rationality and treat-humanity as an end, never as a means. Besides, I will try the best through recall all sold pajamas and dispose them in a right manner, for example through use them as industrial wiping cloths. With this, businesses can often produce product which is universally-favorable and do responsible through the social as well as the consumers (Plimpton 2016). Corporate should always believe in admirable outcomes come after admirable intention. Hence, if Tris-pajamas manufacturer were given a chance again on this case, they should really consider it seriously as successful companies live not only focus on the profit but also the ethical practice when leading a company. Thus, all company should actually do ethical while they face problem so as toward become a successful company that favored by the public. In conclusion, doing business in an ethical way is hard, it is however necessary. Corporate should try their best toward live business in an ethically way into help create-long-lasting-positive-effects-for-a-company, including-the-ability-to-attract-and retain highly-talented-individuals as well as to-maintain-a positive-reputation within-the-community (Shaw and Barry 2015). This is into ensured that the level of Tris chemical being used is at an ace level and will not threaten humans life. I would practice the due care theory, where businesses are responsible into protect the consumers from any risk that is foreseeable in business people will always face the common ethical dilemmas such as the conflict of interest and the responsibility into stakeholder like how it shows at the case of Tris-impregnated-pajamas. It involved the trade off in the profit and the social corporate responsibility. In my opinion, if I am the manufacturer of Tris-impregnated pajamas, I would first research properly on how Tris chemical can harm the humans health before produce and sell it so as toward avoid a big mistake like this.), such as conducting a scientific test as well as hire a professional on this field toward test on the products through ensure the safety of the usage of products. Hence, when there are consumers who suspect the products safety level, the manufacturer s are able through prove themselves confidently that they are within the safety level and also into become a company that are not only profit oriented, but ethically and responsible into the social (Shaw 2016). Conclusion Above all, there are different kinds of dumping that many countries engage in and without ethical consideration of the parties that are injured in the process. The case of Made in the U.S.A dumped in Brazil, Africa, Iraq demonstrates that dumping is a market strategy used to develop a new market, expand market share and sometimes force competitors out of foreign markets. This dumping practice becomes illegal and unethical when lives are lost through consumption of dangerous products. From my perspective, dumping is only legal when and if government has made the product legal and safe for other countries who are willing to buy them. 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